Then I went to Glasgow. I believe that Scotland must have fewer cell towers at a lower power than US cities. Also, I was taking more pictures, and using the cell radio for more time when it was trying to get data (thanks to the artificial data caps). I don't remember a day when I didn't have to drag out the battery pack for a recharge.
When I got back to the US, I decided I was going to upgrade eventually, and Wesley was due an upgrade, so I could give her my phone. The only limitation: the iPhone 12 mini was expensive, and notorious for not making it a whole day on its battery for most people. I wasn't interested, and I wasn't going to use a bigger phone.
Then the iPhone 13 mini came out. A few people who use their phones all day still couldn't get a full day, but most users were getting the day and more. I also took the plunge and bought a Product Red one. I can't stand Bono, and (Red)'s overhead is (allegedly) so high it qualifies as a keep-work project rather than a charity, but I love the color. I make no claims to having done a good thing by buying the phone; I just bought a pretty phone.
The camera is better, but I'm not one to push a camera anyway. The screen is nicer, and I like FaceID when it works. The phone is slightly smaller than the iPhone SE 2020, but the screen is bigger and brighter. I like that combination.
Most of all, it just works the way the rest of the Apple products I own just work, and that's all I can ask for.